“A lack of knowledge about different cultures within minority communities can be a barrier to understanding what is happening to the children. Inquiry reports and research have highlighted that stereotyping of families from different backgrounds, linked with difficulties in attributing the correct meaning to what parents say, may have a negative impact on social work assessments and judgements.”
– (Dutt and Phillips 2000)

Judian M Chungong, CEO and Service Lead Consultant
Judian has over 11 years experience working as a team manager in children/adult services, as a senior practitioner and as a social worker in local authorities. Her background is in assessments, court work and long term team management. She is currently an independent review officer for fostering and an independent social worker who undertakes assessments, this includes international assessments. Judian is a final year professional doctorate student at Tavistock – undertaking research on the migrant family experience of the UK child protection system.